I remember last school year in Hillsborough County Schools we were being asked as a NOPE Chapter to address the vaping “thing” during our student presentations. It was a casual mention, almost an afterthought once weed and alcohol were mentioned as issues on campuses across the district.
This year things have changed so much. We are now being asked before we even arrive to make certain to mention vaping, to address the real health concerns, and to not tip-toe around the
It has been a busy summer even though we only had a couple of NOPE presentations. Typically when the students are off for the summer it is our time as NOPE of Hillsborough to regroup and strategize for the new school year.
We did JUST THAT! Thanks to Howard W. Blake High School in Tampa and their TV Production team we now are sporting a new and very relevant middle school video that is shown during the front end of
It’s not often that you get an email in your INBOX offering you a very exciting opportunity to be awarded extra funds as a non-profit.
But that is what happened about mid-summer from The Myers Home Team associated with Keller Williams Realty.
Here is how cool this has been: There is a home for sale in Tampa (specifically the Town n Country area of Tampa) that is listed by this realty company. Each year for four years now they are taking
I am puzzled. I am concerned. I am disappointed. I am frightened.
All of the above surround my feelings when talking about vaping; particularly when talking about the younger population vaping.
Parents need to stay up to date on this topic. Many parents I speak with have NO CLUE how very dangerous this vaping can be to their children’s developing lungs.
PLEASE – share this article with those in your circle of family, friends, and influencers. We need
Have you ever shopped on Amazon.com?
Have you ever wanted to help out our NOPE of Hillsborough Chapter but just don’t have enough hours in the day to volunteer with us?
This coming week – starting Monday, July 15th – you can help us help others dealing with substance use disorder in their life. You help us from your home computer, lap top, phone, iPad, and any other mobile device.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com and select our NOPE of Hillsborough chapter
Remember sometimes when you just know you are not reaching your target audience during a presentation?
Do you ever have a teen roll his or her eyes at you as if saying, “Are you serious?!?!”
This is how we have felt for more than 4 years about our NOPE Middle School video when it is shared during our 50 minute NOPE middle school presentation. The students audibly snicker & they say to one another, “Oh man, no way.”
Thankfully, one
Our NOPE of Hillsborough Chapter are in our 11th year of student presentations. We have reached nearly 140,000 middle and high school students with important information and moving stories of local students who have lost their lives to the disease of addiction, an accidental overdose death, or a substance related death. Each time we present to students we share a short video meant to speak to that specific age group.
The middle school video currently shared with teens has become outdated
The 2019 Scholarship Application is available for download here.
During the holidays, school is out, shopping malls are full of busy shoppers and the days are filled with celebrations. Two of the biggest events of the entire year are just around the corner and everyone is looking forward to the parties, presents, food, and drinks. For many people, the holidays bring happiness and joy; however, for others, it brings a large amount of stress. While most people can find coping methods that will not harm them in any way, this
Give Day Tampa Bay is a community-wide, 24-hour online giving challenge hosted by The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay. Visit giveday.org on May 2, 2017 between 12 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. and support your favorite nonprofit organization. WEDU will provide live streaming coverage of the event on May 2 from Give Day Headquarters at WEDU Studios.